‘Taxidermy? Touchy subject.’

Not this time.

Taxidermy never has to be a touchy subject, nor should it be. If you are buying taxidermy from ANYONE not willing to share exact details on their ethics and policies… don’t.

Though I don’t share my suppliers or exact process, I do share my personal polices as well as the law when it comes to my work. These pieces involve creatures who once were alive, and whom I am striving to preserve the beauty of in death, not a fun gimmick to take with humour.

As per my suppliers website ‘All of our specimens are legally imported into the United Kingdom, and comply with all export/import licenses and fees. The specimens are either bred for the industry or from sustainable wild sources (quotas) and provide a sustainable source of income for the indigenous population, thereby encouraging them to preserve the native habitat, and giving credence to the saying "selling insects to preserve insects".

It is my personal policy that I buy specimens based on the environmental impact, where regeneration of wild populations is focus, and no life is stolen. Majority of my pieces are A1 (the highest reasonable quality), but even so evidence of life can be seen though nicked wings and slight damages to colour. Below are photos of all of my deliveries as I acquire them, for full transparency on how I receive specimens. Deliveries prior to August ‘24 are not documented.